Monday, February 2, 2009

My IT predictions for 2009

I am not a magician or a IT psychic but I'd like to venture some thoughts:

  • Windows Vista will gain acceptance, thanks to the good reviews of Windows 7, which actually is an upgrade of Windows Vista.

  • Windows 7 will be released in November 2009.

  • Adoption of Netbooks, which I consider oversized PDAS, will grow by the summer only to drop sharply by the end of the year.

  • The iPhone will continue to be the major player among smartphones, but Windows Mobile adoption will grow as well (expect previews of Windows Mobile 7 in the autumn) and the Palm Pre will definitely make waves.

  • Users will start demanding more matte screens, as opposed to unsightly and unusable glossy screens (in laptops) which are actually a fad of the last 3 years.

  • Interest in Cloud computing will wane to its deserved level: a good technology that certainly will not replace established data centers. They will simply coexist.

  • Linux and its countless distributions will stay at the same level of acceptance as they are now, no fluctuations.

  • The Internet will start to become less secure and at the same time less democratic. New laws will arise. Governments will start to intervene more.

  • Japanese and Chinese will come up with new Internet paradigms and will also be able to start using their languages on the address line: URLs in Japanese and Chinese! Just another sign of the beginning of the end of the Western world predominance in science and technology.

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