Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Farewell! This blog will be history in a few weeks

This is how it all started, back in 2008...
Back in the spring of 2008, when the "failure" of Windows Vista was all the rage I jumped into my first blog experience by creating this blog. This new pastime, which also helped me somehow survive the days of hardship of the Great Recession started in 2008, became the saga of I Love Windows 7 and then I Love Windows 8, other two blogs that I will keep till new order. By then I had been already a Windows XP user for 6 years and decided to give Window Vista a try. What I saw and experienced with this revolutionary OS was quite the opposite of what I was hearing and reading.
Thank you for being my readers. I really enjoyed and keep enjoying sharing my impressions about what I love.
Be good. Tell your loved ones how much you love them. So long!