Saturday, October 4, 2008

From sitting vidiots to walking vidiots and back

Sometime back in the '90s (or was it in the '80s?) someone coined the term vidiot, a combination of video + idiot, to refer to someone addicted to a video screen, be it TV sets, computers, and above all, video games. Well, today that expression can be aptly extended to some of, not all, the gazillions of people glued to their mobile phones screens. Don't get me wrong, with this post I want to allude ONLY to those who are so engrossed in their little screens that they completely forget about their immediate surroundings with unpredictable consequences. They are vidiots, period. The most glaring case of DWT (driving while texting, I just coined this, that is a 'sitting vidiot') so far, was the 'engineer' in Los Angeles who caused the death of 25 people, including himself, after missing a stop signal and crashing his train against another oncoming train. On the other hand, tell me if you don't find plain outrageous to see cashiers in supermarkets, for example, and other standing vidiots, texting while on the job! And how about those walking vidiots texting while walking on a busy sidewalk, while jaywalking in busy traffic, yes, they cross nonchalantly in front of your car... Just another example of our society's already short span of attention... Am I overreacting?

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