Friday, February 6, 2009

UAC in Windows Vista: simply a non-issue

It sounds already like a broken record. Users and IT "experts" whining and complaining about one of the key security features of Windows Vista: User Account Control (UAC). And over this subject there's considerable contention: some are in favor and many "don't like it". My opinion regarding this is clear: UAC is a non-issue. I know users have to use UAC to protect themselves from malware (spyware, Trojan horses and viruses), and the objective of UAC is simple: to ask for elevated privileges to install software or hardware, change system settings, etc. not always legit, but triggered precisely by malware. In Windows Vista everybody runs as a standard user, including members of the Administrators groups and that's why even when your are logged as Administrator you will still get the UAC prompt. At any rate, much ado about nothing! (UAC is however, from a technical viewpoint, a very interesting and crucial subject in bringing out the best of Windows Vista and 7).

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