Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Equinox, into the light...

Spring, Primavera, Printemps, Frühling is here! It came yesterday with an treasure of light to spread over the darkness... I always had this idea of wearing, during the first days of spring, a t-shirt with a picture of me wearing a beard that read: "I survived another New York winter!" It never happened, not only because I no longer want to grow a beard but because I prefer other publicity outlets rather than a piece of garment. Though, the message remains: We have survived not only the winter, but also the recession, the urban desert, the bout of unemployment, the odd jobs... We are here, sound and safe, with a job, thank God!, with renovated hopes, with the same big dreams, with poetry alive and kicking, expectant and optimistic. This is the time to fight and grow and prosper. Screw the bad news! Now, for some more info about the spring equinox...

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